This section features reviews, articles, books, and other publications about my work.
[click on thumbnail; article opens in new browser window]
Centerbook, 2019
Art New England, 2019
Hartford Courant, 2017
Harvard Review, 2017
Reeves Catalog, 2016
Superstition Review, 2016
Museum Brochure, 2016
The Sentinel, 2016
Lovely as a Tree Catalog, 2016
Boston Globe, 2015
PEM Connections, 2014
Nashville Arts, 2013
MCC Book, 2013
artscope, 2013
Carlisle Mosquito, 2013
Art New England, 2013
Superstition Review, 2012
reThink Ink catalog, 2012
Boston Globe, 2012
artscope, 2011
Socrates, 30yr book, 2011
Provincetown Banner, 2011
PAAM Brochure, 2011
Landscape Architecture Magazine, 2010
Design Award, 2010
Berkshire Fine Arts, 2010
Jamaica Plain Gazette, 2010
MacDowell Newsletter, 2010
MIT CAST, 2009
Sculpture Magazine, 2009
Boston Globe, 2009
MacDowell Exhibition, 2007
Jamaica Plain Gazette, 2006
Boston Globe, 2006
Boston Globe Sidekick, 2006
WBUR online, 2006
Socarates, 25 yr book, 2006
Phoenix Arts Commission, 2006
Mayer of Munich Book, 2005
Presence of Light, 2005
Middlesex Beat, 2005
Valley Guide, 2005
Arizona Republic, 2005
East Valley Tribune, 2005
Wild Apples, 2004
DeCordova Catalog, 2004
Enchantment Catalog, 2004
Boston Globe, 2004
Boston Herald, 2004
Cambridge Tab, 2004
Scholastic Art, 2004
Berkshire Eagle, 2004
Berkshire Eagle, 2004
Carlisle Mosquito, 2003
Circle Voice, 2003
Art New England, 2003
Concord Journal, 2003
Boston Globe, 2003
Boston Herald, 2003
Apokalypsis Program, 2003
Boston Globe, 2003
artsMedia, 2003
Boston Phoenix, 2003
Casco Bay Weekly, 2002
artsMedia, 2002
Boston Globe, 2000
Boston Globe, 2000
Newton Tab, 2000
Art New England, 2000
Boston Phoenix, 2000
Phoenix Milestones, 2000
In View of Nature, 2000
Garden Path Catalog, 1998
Boston Globe, 1998
Currier Art Museum Catalog, 1998
Boston Globe - West, 1998
Art New England, 1998
Boston Globe - West Weekly, 1998
Bunting Catalog, 1997
Sculpture Magazine, 1997
Boston Herald, 1997
Boston Globe, 1997
Verdant Eyes Brochure, 1997
Boston Globe, 1997
Portland Press Herald, 1997
Boston Globe, 1996
Duxbury Museum Brochure, 1996
Convergence Catalog, 1995
New York Times, 1994
Socrates Catalog, 1994
Influenced by Architecture Catalog, 1994
Boston Globe, 1994
Worcester Phoenix, 1994
Chesterwood Catalog, 1993
Boston Herald, 1992
Boston Globe, 1992
The Tab, 1992
Radcliffe Report, 1991
Boston Phoenix, 1990
Patriot Ledger, 1990
Boston Globe, 1990
Observer-Dispatch, 1990
Boston Globe, 1990
Observer-Dispatch, 1990
Art in America, 1989
Aviary Program, 1988
High Performance, 1988
Boston Herald, 1988
Boston Globe, 1988
Art New England, 1988
Lights Orot Catalog, 1988
North Shore Weeklies, 1987
Art New England, 1987
Boston Phoenix, 1987
Boston Globe, 1987
Antarctica Program, 1987
Cambridge Arts Council, 1987
Hartford Advocate, 1987
Boston Phoenix, 1986
Boston Phoenix, 1986
Limelight Club Brochure, 1985
Art New England, 1985
Boston Globe, 1985
South End News, 1985
Cambridge Chronicle, 1985
The Tab, 1985
BVAU News, 1984
Boston Globe, 1984
Rose Art Museum Catalog, 1984
MIT CAVS Catalog, 1984
Tech Talk, 1984
Art New England, 1984
CAVS SkyArt Catalog, 1983
MIT Council for the Arts, 1983
MIT Tech Talk, 1983
Sojourner, 1983
Shaping Space, 1983
Architext, 1983
Equal Times, 1983
Art New England, 1983
Leonardo, 1982
ars Electronia Catalog, 1982
Rune, 1981